Sunday, November 27, 2005

Laura's Shortbread

The shortbread recipe comes from a friend's daughter. It is so yummy I've made it every Christmas since she passed it on to me. I've altered the orginal a little, (which has the cooked shortbread dredged with castor sugar and sandwiched with jam). I find baking a little jam on them means they can live in a biscuit jar with other biscuits, and I love the slightly toffeed texture of baked jam. I like to use apricot jam on half the biscuits and strawberry on the rest.

6oz self raising flour
5oz butter
2oz ground rice
3 oz castor sugar

Sieve flour, sugar and ground rice. Rub in butter and knead into pliable dough. Roll out onto floured board to 1/4" thick and cut into desired shapes (I like hearts). Make a small indentation in the centre of each biscuit and place a small amount of jam (maybe 1/4 tsp - you don't want too much or it will bubble everywhere).

Bake on greased tray at 350 degrees F or until a light biscuit colour (about 20 minutes).


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