Sunday, September 25, 2005

Baked Rice with Pumpkin

This one has become a favourite, and a good way to eat rice as the small girl does not like her rice to taste dry. I've also at various times added sweet potato, grilled capsicums (as seen in this photo) and cooked chickpeas to this. I'm sure it can be varied in many other ways.

1 red onion, chopped
1 leeks, finely sliced
1 garlic cloves, finely chopped
olive oil
approx 300g butternut pumpkin, chopped
125g basmati rice
300ml chicken stock

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Fry the onion and leeks in an oven-proof pot until soft, add the garlic and continue to cook a minute or two. Add rice, cook it for a minute then add stock and bring to the boil. Cover and bake 35 minutes.


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