the kitchen

We moved back into the kitchen about a month ago. It is sheer bliss having everything in the one room. The kitchen is still petite, but having deeper benches make a huge difference as does substantial more storage. The only unforseen design error was placing the drawers so close to the stove, making two person use of the kitchen some what squeezy at times.
There is still not quite enough storage space (and I've done a big purge), so we decided a dresser was the way to go...

Most importantly, see how well Rufus goes with the new linoleum....

Still to be completed: repair and paint window and door frames, a storage chest/ padded seat for Rufus for under the side window (which is not visible in above photos) and bookcases. We're planning to get built-in book-cases on either side of fireplaces in the study and living room. When this is done there will be a number of freed-up bookcases which can then live in the kitchen (and solve the book storage crisis). And maybe one day a new kitchen table and chairs.
Belated congrats on the birth of your new kitchen :)
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